Thursday, January 14, 2010

Baby Steps

In regards to the below post - yeah, botched that one already. Delayed sending in a bill and had our cable temporarily disconnected. It's back on but obviously that resolution has already bitten the dust. I'm probably missing a credit card payment as I type.

In others news, I have decided to take part in the 14th Annual MSP Polar Bear Plunge! I've raised the minimum $50 contribution and am hoping for more donations from friends and family. The money helps benefit the Special Olympics Maryland. It's an event I've always wanted to experience, and a cause I've always believed in. (As a youth I often accompanied my mother to the Special Olympics and would be a 'hugger' to some of her students who were competing.)

I saw online a friend of mine was taking part in the plunge and I thought 'why not?'. I miss teaching my kids. I miss the population. I miss the feeling of working a job where you feel like your work matters. So I decided to make a small effort to contribute to a worthwhile cause... plus, I'm gonna jump in the Chesapeake Bay in January! I will update the blog as we get closer to the plunge date.

-AND another interesting development to mention - I believe I was just hired to be a substitute teacher at a local private school. The interview went well, I need to fill out some forms and get finger printed but it appears that I will soon be starting yet another job. That will make 3 part time jobs for me at this time. We'll see how long I can keep that up.

1 comment:

linda said...