Friday, October 09, 2009

Somethings Just Don't Change

Up early in the morning to work on a few things before heading off to the job. Sara turns on the TV as I'm cooking breakfast and Maury is on! (If you look back at this blog, all the way back to the first few months definitely in the first year or so you see several posts concerning Mr. Maury Povich!) It's good to know that if I'm home during the day I can still turn on the boob tube and Maury's still doing the 'I'm Not The Babies' Daddy' routine. Even more comforting is the fact that people are still willing to embarrass themselves on national television for a shot at fame! People are still so hungry for their 15 minutes that they'll showcase their ignorance, lack of social skills & home training, parade out onto that stage, flip the audience the bird and say something like, 'Y'all don't know me! You can't be judging me! I'm not no slut!'
It warms my heart.

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