You lost. You missed out on the bronze medal. What do you do? Hang your head and weep in frustration? Congratulate your opponent and hold your head high as a proud contestant? Jump to your feet and start raining blows upon the Swedish Ref?
It amazes me to think that these athletes have the honor of representing their country, their culture before a world-wide audience and they throw tantrums when a call goes against them. Now I understand that some judgments, calls, points scored or penalties taken are inaccurately assessed sometimes. I also understand that athletes compete their whole life for a chance at Olympic Gold - the emotions run high, the pressure is unbelievable- but to kick a referee in the head for making a call against you?
That's not how my parents raised me.
Admittedly, I am the least competitive of 3 brothers - I was the least athletic, as well. But when I lost, for the most part, I think accepted that loss with a pinch of DIGNITY. Sure, I bitched about it on the ride home from the game, or meet. Probably moped around for the rest of the day feeling sorry for myself but I was able to look in my opponents' eyes at the time and be a good sport.
Now this Cuban athlete and his coach are banned for life!!! One blown opportunity, and an amazingly horrible lack of discipline have ended this athlete's career. Of all the wonderful triumphs, and heart-warming success stories from these 2008 Olympic games I think I am most aware of this tragic example of Poor Sportsmanship!
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