I wasn't majorly late. Just annoyingly so.
My wife has actually commented on how calm I am in traffic. I admit that I can have a very short fuse with certain things: for example: technology, losing my checkbook, family, the price of gasoline and Oprah Winfrey. Traffic, while it does get to me, doesn't enrage me because I'm powerless to change it. If I'm sitting in my car and all I can see for the next five exits are brake lights I'm not going to hulk out, lay on the horn, curse your mother, and start flipping the bird to every inept motorist I see. That would be silly. Instead, I quietly sit in my car, surfing Sirius channels, going over lesson plans in my head, and imagining what the world would be like if I had access to a nuclear arsenal.
We're overcrowded! We''re wasteful! We're violent! We're self-absorbed and we DESPERATELY NEED TO CHIT-CHAT ON OUR CELL PHONES IN BUMPER TO BUMPER TRAFFIC!!!!!!
I'd hate to think what might happen if I had my finger on the button.

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