Sara went to bed and I stayed up to watch Game 6 of the NBA Finals. I was flipping back and forth between the Celtics VS the Lakers, and Italy VS France in the Euro 2008 Soccer Tournament. Then I turned off all the lights, crawled into bed with my wife and dog, and proceeded to toss and turn for close to an hour.
Now, I'm up.
What to do? What to do?
I've already worked on a script I'm trying to submit in the next week, and read through another full length play I may submit soon, as well. I chipped away at another script that I've been developing for sometime.
I don't feel like watching TV.
I could thumb through old comic books, or flip through a few newer ones. Just finished a book yesterday and I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to a new one. Although, just for fun, I've been toying with the idea of starting in on Piers Anthony's Incarnations of Immortality Series, in which Death, Time, Fate, War, and Nature are all full time jobs which are occasionally passed down to deserving mortals, and reading it from start to finish but just found out that an eight book has been added to the series. 8 books in a row. I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
We'll see what tomorrow brings.
As for the post below - I did mean my 'moms', whom I knew would comment. Brigette, my latest stage manager and newest reader has also responded. I did not expect, and rightly so, comments from my best friend, his mom, or my brother, whom I know read the blog often. Sara need not comment if she doesn't want to but it's a safe bet she checks it out from time to time. So, I have my list of readers clearly pictured in mind as I continue on with my rantings.
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