Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Apparently, my memory sucks!

Or their have just been such incredible advancements in the field of lithotripsiy. Years past they lowered my body into a tub of water; submerged. Today I lay on a table with a little section that had some water resting in it, which I lay my side over. I barely got wet, woke up within the hour, and now I feel much better than I thought I would. Don't get me wrong, there's still pain. Once the anesthesia wore off I was thankful for the painkillers but nothing quite like the hell I remembered.

Mmmm, I could use a Painkiller, right now. (The tropical drink - not the pill.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad its not as bad as you expected. Hope your wife is giving you lots of TLC. Try the Bug on a Wire game.....not as intense as the Blox game.....couldn't deal w/Chasm....I s'pose I should try again. Hope you continue to get better. LINDA