32 years belated.
Here's the long and short of it. My parents are getting their carpet replaced so we spent some time Saturday unpacking certain items in their house to make the furniture easier to move. We we moving stacks and stacks of books that have been on their bookcase for years when suddenly a title catches my eye.
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus
I love the original Frankenstein. I've even found a script based on the Mary Shelley novel that I would love to direct. It's called Playing With Fire (after Frankenstein) by Barbara Field. The play retells the story as Victor and the Monster take a break from their chase and try to sort things out.
Anyway, this particular novel on my parents' bookshelf is a hard covered book, copyright in 1962. I've seen it a hundred times but never picked it up. I start to ask about the book when my father informs me that the book is mine. It was given to my father on the night I was born by a buddy of his and it is inscribed to me.
It reads, "...You do not know know me, but I sat with your father on the night you were born. I hope you will read and enjoy this and read many more. -Colin Richardson, 28 April 1975 at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland"
I thought that was cool.
1 comment:
Wow! That gives me chills!
Are you going to hlp put all those books back tomorrow...who knows what you will find!
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