Thursday, August 17, 2006

Since Last I Wrote...

My Modem crapped out on me, and I haven't gotten around to repairing/replacing it and so my internet access has been limited. Oh, and I forgot my password to post on this site.

My one act play The Darling Conspiracy was featured in Speaking Ring Theatre's Fourth Annual Viatlity festival. I was very pleased with the production. I need to gear up a few more scripts for upcoming submissions.

We rented a PT Cruiser and drove up to MN for a much needed vacation. It was time to float in the pool, play with the dogs, make goofy faces at the niece and just unwind with loved ones. Of course the days flew by and we made our way back to the city. The daily grind continues.

Oh, and I swallowed a plum pit. I'm not quite sure what happened to it. The first few days afterwards I was alarmed, but now I've just accepted that I may never know what happened to that damn pit.

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