Saturday, July 08, 2006

Are You Kidding Me?

10 o'clock in the morning my doorbell goes off.

Who could that be?

We are supposed to have someone come flush out our pipes, and restore water pressure.

Would they come unannounced this early on a Saturday morning?

I shush the barking dog, neglect the entrance buzzer, and opt to descend the front stairs and confront my visitor. On the way down I bump into a little old lady coming up the stairs. She carries a notebook binder full of flyers. She smiles at me and starts to hand me a booklet.

Can this be happening? Do they still exist?


Jehovah's Witnesses! Jehovah's Witnesses assaulted my quiet little courtyard apartment building this morning at 10 o'clock am.

Who the hell buzzed them up?

I never buzz up unnanounced visitors, because somewhere in the back of my mind a little voice warns me, "No, wait. Don't buzz them up. Remember the stories. You could be unknowingly setting loose a pack of Jehovah's Witnesses on the rest of the innocent tenants. Will you be able to live with yourself?"


Anonymous said...

Jehovah's Witnesses are an intrusive menace.
How do i know?I was one for 33 years!

Dissident JW member speaks out.

The core dogma of the Watchtower organization is that Jesus had his second coming 'invisibly' in the year 1914.Their entire doctrinal superstructure is built on this falsehood.

Jehovah's Witnesses door to door recruitment is by their own admission an ineffective tactic (nobody's home). They have lost membership in all countries with major Internet access because their false doctrines and harmful practices are exposed on the modern information superhighway.

There is good and valid reasons why there is such an outrage against the Watchtower for misleading millions of followers.Many have invested everything in the 'imminent' apocalyptic promises of the Jehovah's Witnesses and have died broken and beaten.

Now if you wanted to know about the quality of a product,would you listen to the seller's pitch or a longtime customer?
Respectfully,Danny Haszard (consumer report on the Watchtower organization)

T. Cobb said...

uh... well damn... I just hate being woken up by the doorbell...

Rachel said...

Yeah, and you have to watch out for those Scientologist too!!! They're at every street corner in LA trying to give you a stress test. I already know I'm stressed. LEAVE ME ALONE you Tom Cruise lovers!!!