Saturday, November 05, 2005


"Hey, why don't we go out with 15 of our closest friends for dinner and, wouldn't it be great if no one bothered to bring cash?"

"Can you split the check 9 ways?"

"We need $90 on this card... $90 on this card... $30 on these 3 cards and $17.95 on this Discover..."

"What do you mean you don't have Corona? Aren't you a Mexican restaurant? Spanish Restaurant... Oh... what's the difference? Oh... I see... do you have Chips & Salsa?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tye-
You know I feel your pain. How many times did we have to go thru that...? There ought to be a law. People. And I loved the taskmaster bit. Thanks for keeping me entertained out here. Miss the hell out of you and Chi-town. Sox success aside. Good luck with the scripts. Sean