Nicolas Cage and his wife, Alice Kim, welcomed their first child into the world this week. The couple chose to name the boy Kal-El Coppolla Cage...
KAL-EL! Kal-El? (Superman's Kryptonian Name)
Why don't you just slap a 'kick me' sign on his back, hike up his pants, breast feed him until fifth grade, and instill in him a love of insect larvae? This kid's heading for years and years of torment! Those kindergarteners are going to eat him alive! Not only will he have to suffer through countless calls of, "Snap Out Of It!" & "Your father was in Con-Air" but now he's been named after Superman by a man who, allegedly, was supposed to star in a Superman movie but then got passed over for some no-name actor who looks good in a tight suit. That kid is going to be a social leper! A poor Kal-El...
In a related story Jared, The Subway Guy, has, reportedly, announced that his next child shall be named 'Apple Inspektor Coco Subway Guy.
1 comment:
Spoken from experience by a guy named Thurston...
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