How was the last day of my first three decades on this mudball we call Earth? Good Question...
(Let's skip all of the work related stuff. I'm trying not to obsess. All of that stress just keeps me reeling.) I had an early day at work and decided to try and renew my driver's license before it expires tomorrow. One problem! The DMV is either downtown, or in BF Northern Chicago. I opt for BF. I get off the bus at a conveniently close stop. WRONG! I wandered around for close to an hour before finding my way back to the road I needed to be on. Stopped and asked for directions. I was still a twenty minute bus ride away from where I needed to be, and then a 2 mile walk to the actual DMV. Of course it is packed! I take a seat and wait and wait and wait. In the meantime the fattest Mexican family ever, and I don't mean to offend Mexicans or fatties, sat down next to me. It was amazing. The Dad. Wow. The Mom. Good Lord, eat a salad. The one year old baby girl looked like she would pop if you dropped her; burst at the seams. The chubby son, kept rubbing up against me and talking to me with the paper-bag puppet stretched over his pudgy paw. Finally, they call my number. I get in line for my new license and of course I have no cash... I hadn't planned on going... so I hike back to an ATM, a mile away and then back to the DMV to get my new license. The picture? Don't ask...
[Picture, if you can all of the nervous laughter, and hysterical mutterings that I was vomiting up the entire time. People walking by me gave me a wide berth as they glimpsed the wild look in my eyes, and the almost homicidal smile plastered across my face.]
Then I walk in the door and my favorite roommate ever, my LABBUR, gives me an early birthday present. Season 1 of The Greatest American Hero. Hell Yeah!
I guess the day could've been worse. Let's hope my thirties start out better than my twenties ended. Cross your fingers!
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