I mentioned eventful. We have been busy. Whether it's splashing around in Grandma & Grandpa's pool, cooking out on the St. Croix River Boomsite with Sara's brother and his family, or attending work-related parties we are quite the little social butterflies. Unexpected mini-adventures like the Boomsite are wonderful. It was a beautiful evening spent on the river. There always seems like there's something to do on our weekends; Sara had her 20th Year High School Reunion, we had a backyard get together for some friends and family, and we got together with some of Sara's family who flew in from the West Coast.

It's a only phase. She doesn't understand what' going on, blah blah blah. I hope this phase passes soon. It's hard to find the balance between encouraging her creativity, channeling her never-ending energy supply, and trying not to crush her spirit, or discourage her individuality while keeping her from burning down the house! One day we'll figure this kid out.
Let's talk soccer; Barclay's Premier League Football to be more specific. The 2015-2016 season has begun and I am determined to watch more games this season. I was super excited after catching a few of the Women's World Cup games, and cheering on the US team for the next Premiere League season. In years past I've got a few games here and there and always cheered for the Liverpool Football Club as a casual fan. My fandom was born not from geographic origins, or a family tradition but rather from a show souvenir given to me from a director in honor of an award-winning performance. Ever since keeping my costume piece, a LFC warm up jacket, I have cheered for the Reds as best I can.* This year I determined to do better. I watched the Liverpool season opener with my family and Evie Sue tried her best to pay attention to the game often cheering on 'Liverpoop!'. She doesn't quite understand the game or the team rivalries but during another random game she asked if the people in the crowd were going to sing the Liverpool song. I'll turn her into a fan. Then maybe we'll get her on the field and see if she has any athletic ability.
Other than that work is work and the cogs continue to turn in the great machine that is consumerism. Family life, as implied earlier, is a little chaotic with our two daughters, tired parents and a hyper-neurotic dog. There's not much time to read - I've been on the same book for months - let alone write and besides there's the fact that most of my supplies are in storage and I can't seem to get organized at all plus a whole complicated computer hardware/software issue that is keeping me from accessing old writing projects. It's a mess. Fantasy Football is right around the corner so that'll be a fun. We still hope to make it to some local Minor League Baseball games before the season ends and try to enjoy as much of the remaining Summer as we can. Autumn will be here before we know it.
* Today is the 17th of August and whilst watching the the 2nd game/1st home game of the Season for Liverpool I glance down at my Liverpool jacket and noticed that the letters read LFSC and not LFC for Liverpool Football Club. I then remember that on the back it reads Liverpool LFSC New England USA??? After an extensive google search I realize that my 'authentic team' jacket, a gift given to me by the director of show in which I played a British serial killer, was actually not official but from an American Liverpool Football Supporters Club! My Premier League loyalty has been based on a fallacy! Sara just giggled and commented on the quality of dramaturgical research that went into this highly commended theatrical production. I'm will not be swayed, however, and will continue to root for my Reds!