I closed my last post of 2014 stating that I might not be blogging anymore. The original intent of this blog was to update my friends and family - the few that actually read it - and to exercise my writing 'muscles'; if I wasn't working on a script at least I could write blog posts. But recently I've slacked off. Oh, the pressure of being a half-assed blogger! Sometimes I would beat myself up over my lack of productivity. I'd talk myself out of posting because I'm pretty sure no one checks this blog anymore. I'd have a flash of inspiration and then it would take me too long to get the chance to write and by then the flash had fizzled out.
Anyway, I was toying with the idea of just dropping off completely and abandoning my blog when a couple of thoughts came to me. 1st, this year marks the 10th Anniversary of this silly little outlet for my writing. That's right, 10 years ago, I was almost 30, I started the blog while working as a stock boy at a cooking school in Chicago. 10 years! Now, here I am about to turn 40 and stocking shelves in a grocery store in Annapolis. Not much has changed, it would appear, but a million and one things have happened in the last decade and this next year is going to be a big one! We are expecting our second daughter this Spring, and a big move this Summer among many other adventures that appear to be in the Cobb Family's near future.
This past year I did not post nearly as much as I used to, in fact, I only posted 13 times. That's as much as I posted in my first month 10 years ago. So here's my proposal. I will continue to blog for the next 12 months, but I commit myself to only 12 posts. I will give monthly updates - starting today - and allow myself a little more relief from the guilt of not writing. I will check in, monthly, and that is all. Simple.
So, January is here. It's 2015. The holidays have come and gone. It was fun because this was the 1st year Button really got it. She asked to meet Santa Claus so we took her to sit on his lap and tell her what she wanted: a panda and Cinderella dvd. She got both. We spend Christmas morning having our annual Christmas Quiche and hosting my father. Then in the afternoon we moved the party over to my brother's house. Sara and I rang in the New Year on the couch watching episodes of Battle Star Galactica (2003) and then the Ball Drop! I don't make New Year's resolutions usually but this year I'm going to work on increasing my patience. Time marches on and there's no point in trying to rush it or fight whatever the case may be.
So far the mild winter has finally cooled off and we got our 1st real snow of the season. Sara would tell you it wasn't much and that Maryland has no idea how to deal with winter weather; not like her home state of Minnesota. She's right but it sure was pretty. Button and I played outside and she kept saying, "Best day ever!" It was definitely up there.