It was a very surreal moment! Surrounded by cast-mates, crew, and other theatre friends I heard my name read aloud as the winner and then things got kinda fuzzy. I know I got to my feet as all of my supporters were cheering, and applauding. I made my way to the stage, accepted my award and proceeded to give thanks. It's all a blur. Then I found my way back to my table and into several very earnest and secure hugs. Sara later told me I gave a great acceptance speech; funny, sincere, and short.
I won the W.A.T.C.H. Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Play!
'Frozen', a show that we performed just over a year ago had been nominated in 6 categories. Sadly enough, I received my award but the other nominees did not! It was a bittersweet evening. I was glad my work had been acknowledged, but sad that the show, which I was honored to have been a part of, did not end up winning other awards. I was confident that we would at least take home most of the Awards we were nominated for! Who knows how the scoring worked out? It could've come down to just a few points. That's the way I hear it works.
I am honored to have been a part of this production, to know these people and to have received the award.
Interesting side-note for the evening; I was being congratulated by a young man whom just recently played the exact same role that I had just won an award for, Ralph Wantage, when I was approached by a 2nd individual. This man, I must admit I missed his name in all of the excitement, identified himself as one of the WATCH Committee Judges. He shook my hand, congratulated me and proceeded to shower me with some the most generous and passionate compliments I've ever received! He told me he had been waiting an entire year to shake my hand and thank me for my performance. It was, he said, THE best acting performance he had ever seen in his life, community or professional! His sincerity was overwhelming! All I could do was offer my thanks, shake his hand and accept the unbelievable compliment. (Even now I feel slightly embarrassed writing about it.)