"Dear Playwright:
Thank you for submitting your play... I am sorry to say that your play has not advanced to the next round... We appreciated the opportunity to read your play... Thanks Again!"
The above notice was extracted from an email I received last night from a theatre company. If you've been keeping up with this blog recently then you remember that I used the month of January to write, revise and submit a ten minute One Act for production. Obviously, it will not be a part of the upcoming festival.
It's a little disappointing, but half expected. This theatre company has rejected scripts from mine in the past, and, unfortunately, their supportive and polite rejection emails don't really specify on the particulars. That just leaves me wondering about my script. Is it just not good? Was it too long? To difficult to stage? Did it go over their heads? Who knows? I'll probably never know, and that's how it often happens.