Thursday, July 26, 2007

Good Bye Duckworth

Today was my last day of Summer School, and if everything goes according to plan -It will - my last day at my school. (This fall I will be starting a teaching position at a different school teaching theatre to special needs children.) I got a little emotional. This is the first job I've had in sometime where I am proud of the work I do. I've only been teaching there since November but I really got to feel comfortable, and appreciated there.
Despite the many struggles, the bruises and scrapes I really liked most of my students and I will miss seeing them everyday.
I will miss walking the halls and seeing all of the little faces light up when they see me.
I will miss hearing my name butchered by less articulate tongues.
I will miss the high fives.
I will some of my coworkers.
Here's hoping I fit in so well at my new job.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Life Is Rough

Don Williams, Jr said,

“Fame and riches are fleeting. Stupidity is eternal.”

Thursday, July 19, 2007

"He pooped in the pool!"

Now you know why I don't go swimming with my students. The aquatics teachers can dodge floating turds.

I'll pass.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Scalpels and Silliness.

I'm co teaching some speech therapy classes a couple times a week and one of my older boys, and his brother, are planning on going to Medical Camp. That's right, Medical Camp. These two are so stoked about the experience.
He talked about operating on gummi worms, dressing up in scrubs and getting to administer a TB Shot to an orange.
Now I must admit I have been a M*A*S*H addict since I was a youngster, and I do enjoy gummied candy but I know full well that when I was 12 I would have not been heading off to a hospital for Day Camp. I may not have been the toughest bully on the block but I fo'sho would've passed over the band geeks to beat me up some Jr. MD's.

Monday, July 16, 2007

It's Official

A new one act play by yours truly will premiere this August at Speaking Ring Theatre's Fifth Annual VITALITY Festival. Kings Of Cabbage, directed by a good friend of mine, Erin Rooney, will be going up, hopefully, to rave reviews. I really like this script and I hope it goes well.

I'm going to try to make it into town for the show, but between my fiance's opening weekend, my mother's upcoming surgery, and my starting a new job it might not happen.

Any Chicago friends got a couch I can crash on?

Thursday, July 12, 2007


I found something that makes my commute less intolerable. Do you like to ROCK?
3 songs in a row! Angus moves me!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

"Hey I got my papers."

I am confused at this random announcement. "What papers?"

"My divorce papers," she explains, "It's about to be final."

"Oh, that's too bad,"I offer. "I remember you said things were rough a while back."

"It got worse. He walked out. Just decided he didn't want to be married anymore."


"So I called my lawyer. This is my second divorce," - I can't tell if she's bragging or not - "I don't fool around. So you know what I did?"

"I can't even begin to guess."

She takes a deep breath and then says, "I went out dancing. Last Friday. My husband came over to get somethings and I answered the door wearing a tank top, tight jeans and 2 inch heels. He had to sit down. He had to wait until I left before he could stand up. I know my husband and I know why he couldn't stand up."


"I already got a guy's number," she adds. "I told him we can't do anything yet. But soon as this divorce is finalized I'm gonna give him a call."

There were other details, about the four kids, the lack of explanations, the hurt feelings, and such. I realize I am easy to talk to but, come on... hold somethings back. I don't need all of the details. Somethings could be private.


I was running late this morning, racing to work, and as I was turning on to RT 50 I glance up and see a man sitting in his car waiting to get off the highway. He nods to me. He looks familiar. How do I know this man? Who is he? His face is familiar but I can't remember his name. Is he someone from my past? A casual acquaintance? College Professor? Is he someone I haven't seen in years, or someone whom I shouldn't recall? Why do I have a craving for cheap beer all of the sudden?

DAMN! It hits me twenty minutes down the road...

He's the check out guy at my liquor store. His face is that familiar to me. There's a possibility I've been going in to his establishment too much as of late.

Monday, July 09, 2007

It's just a kite

My eyes occasionally focus and follow the taught string high into the air where a lame dragon limps among the clouds. The wind tugs and twists the body. A stiff breeze kisses his plastic scales. His left hind leg dangles, useless, at his side. The string digs into my fingers as I hold it tight. The waves beckon but the dragon cannot be bothered. He will not be fooled again, and carelessly plunge into the depths for that is how he injured himself the first time. Somewhere, far beneath his spinning tail and fluttering limb, lies his bone of plastic sinking into the mucky bottom of the Chesapeake.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

The 4th

Early matinee of Transformers with my best friend. (I dug it!)

Lazing around with the little woman.

Splashing around in the Severn River with my Niece & Nephew.

Blue Cheese Burgers with the family.

It was a pretty good holiday. Even got to see some fireworks through the trees.

Monday, July 02, 2007

Walk Softly

He just stood there with his arms crossed. He was not a happy camper. First day of Summer School and they had switched his room, his teacher and his para-professionals. Now he doesn't get to board his bus and ride home. Aftercare? Five more hours in the school gymnasium? What the hell is going on?

A girl steps up to him and says, "Go put your book bag on the steps and sit down."


"Put your book bag on the step and sit down."


She takes a step towards him and says, "You don't tell me no. Book bag on the steps and sit down.... Now!"

The director of the aftercare hears the tension in her voice and comes racing over. He knows this young man. He's dealt with the stubbornness. He's felt the blows rain down in frustration. "Whoa Whoa, I got him. I got him. It's okay. Don't upset him. I'll deal with him. You get the little kids."

The girl almost seems offended. "What? Why? What's he going to do?"

I chime in, "He's been know to try and put your head through the table."

She turns around and sees me for the first time. The director nods apologetically and says, "He just needs time to adjust. It's new for him."

"Yeah, and they switched his classroom. He's in 14 with me," I add.

The director pales and asks,"What? Are you serious?"

"Yeah, he's been on edge all day." I turn to the girl and say, "Good luck!"