Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Lucky Me

It's been over 10 years since I've visited a Dentist...

No, you didn't read that wrong -

Yes, 10 years -

No, I'm not kidding -

Yes, I have been clinically diagnosed with DUMB ASS! -

... but I went today to my family dentist. No Cavities! None! Teeth are fine. Well, not exactly. 10 years of plaque built up is not something toe laugh at. The woman scraped my teeth until I thought I would cry. I hope the poor Dental Assistant doesn't get Carpal Tunnel.

It was like the Spanish Inquisition.

Jab! Jab! Scrape! SCREAM!

Scrape! Poke! Prod! SCREAM!

(& Repeat Endlessly)

Blood? I spit out so much blood today you would've thought that I went the distance with Rocky Balboa.

It sure as hell won't be another 10 years before my next visit.

Monday, May 28, 2007

"Today I Didn't Even Have To Use My A.K..."

"...I have to say it was a good day." *

Spent the day chillin' on the beach with my Honey. Splashing in the river with my nephew. Reading a book. Walking my dog. Enjoying the weather.

* From Ice Cube's It Was A Good Day

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Now I Get It... I Think...

Today I took another look at one of my first produced plays. It's called Sully, My Sweet and it's still one of my favorites.

Brief synopsis: Sully is an uninspired poet who is trapped between his past and present relationships. He must choose between the woman he used to care about and the girlfriend he doesn't know how to love.

A friend of mine, also a writer, saw the show and said to me, "I never realized how religious you are."

The comment was never explained. Upon further reading of the script, I think I have figured out why he made that remark.

In the script there are scenes where Sully reads postcards from Kate, his ex. Sully had manufactured a 'Taming of The Shrew' parallel in their relationship and she often is often referred to in Shakespeare's words. She is called 'My Super Dainty Kate. Kate, The Cursed. Kate of Katehall.' and 'The prettiest Kate in Christendom'.

It's the last one that I think fooled him. He's a pastor's son and maybe didn't get the reference to the Shakespeare play. Instead he might have heard something or other about the Kingdom of Christ!

That's not what I intended, but an interesting interpretation.

More Rage!

Still having problems with my F#*king passwords. Email accounts. Blog sites. Maybe I have too many passwords. I can't seem to keep them straight. Of course I'm pretty sure I know the correct passwords but it's not always that easy. I put in a password, they ask for letter recognition, I put in letter recognition, they ask me for my pet's name... when I started these accounts I didn't have a pet so what clever name did I come up with... Argh!!!!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Belated Birthday Gift

32 years belated.

Here's the long and short of it. My parents are getting their carpet replaced so we spent some time Saturday unpacking certain items in their house to make the furniture easier to move. We we moving stacks and stacks of books that have been on their bookcase for years when suddenly a title catches my eye.

Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus

I love the original Frankenstein. I've even found a script based on the Mary Shelley novel that I would love to direct. It's called Playing With Fire (after Frankenstein) by Barbara Field. The play retells the story as Victor and the Monster take a break from their chase and try to sort things out.

Anyway, this particular novel on my parents' bookshelf is a hard covered book, copyright in 1962. I've seen it a hundred times but never picked it up. I start to ask about the book when my father informs me that the book is mine. It was given to my father on the night I was born by a buddy of his and it is inscribed to me.

It reads, "...You do not know know me, but I sat with your father on the night you were born. I hope you will read and enjoy this and read many more. -Colin Richardson, 28 April 1975 at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland"

I thought that was cool.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day

5 years ago, on Mother's Day, I found out my Mom had been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer.

So this year I made a card for my Mom with my class, bought some daffodils, and walked in the Northern Virginia: 5K Run/Walk for the Whisper to benefit Ovarian Cancer. The walk was cool. My brother and his family, my parents and some friends of theirs, my fiance and a few hundred people all walking in Reston, VA trying to raise awareness for the cause.

By the way, 5K, sure it's no marathon but it's nothing to sneeze at either. We finished in just over an hour. I had my nephew on my shoulders for a good part of the trek; we sang songs and told jokes to pass the time. It was a good day.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

News Flash

I read in a celebrity magazine the other day about the latest fued in Hollywoodland. In a bitter battle of words POP STAR Nelly Furtado and POP STAR Fergie are exchanging 'disses'. OMG! This is serious people. This is bigger than the whole East Coast VS West Coast Rap Thang! Who cares about the Jay Z and Nas' 'Beef'? (2 Rappers, Ma)

In the one corner we have a rich girl who is like a bird. She want's to fly away.

In the other corner we have a 'Kids Incorporated' Alumn, another rich girl, who's got lady lumps.

Let's Get Ready To Rumble! This is a really relevant scoop.

In other news, over the weekend there were killer tornados, the Queen drank a few Mint Juleps, SpiderMan 3 disappointed and a bunch of people died in Iraq. Just in case you weren't paying attention.


So a key popped off of my work issued laptop... it's now been a week since the tech people picked it up... a week late. It's not rocket science but I'm sure the 'County' will take it's sweet time getting the computer back to me.

The limited access to the internet is why I've been remiss in updating my blog.

But when I tried to log in just now my password was not 'recognized'. So I had the password sent to my email, but instead they sent a notice to my email about how I forgot my passowrd and to click on a link to get my password. The link leads me to a page that askes me if I wanted to check my email. 6 TIMES! 6 TIMES! I went back and forth and grit my teeth before finally just having to reset my GD password. What is all of this technology accomplishing, really?